Reflection-All About Me Commercial

 What technology did you learn to use? While making this commercial I learned more about iMovie, Capcut, and YouTube throughout the process. Using iMovie was a lot more difficult than I though it was going to be. Editing was the most important part about making this commercial. You might be able to add a ton of photos into iMovie, but the commercial wont come together unless it's edited. Originally I was going to use CapCut because lately I've been seeing seeing CapCut edits all over TikTok. I thought I would be able to make a commercial with it. Turns out CapCut isn't very easy to use. YouTube was pretty easy to use. all i had to do was upload my video, but i did need a bit of help with that lol.

What did you learn about the process of putting a project together? One of the biggest things I learned was that the process takes time. I wanted to rush and get my commercial done. I think I could've made it better if I took my time with it. Another thing is time management. In order to make the project look as amazing as it possibly can is to manage your time well. Plan out what days you are going to work on each part of the project. Most the process. The project may look a bit sloppy at first but once you edit and add music it will all come together.

What do you think you can do to make the next project better? I think i could've made my commercial better by  looking for some ideas on the internet. Maybe getting a few ideas on how to format my commercial. I think the one thing I really struggled with was on where to place my photos and what order they would go in. If i were to look online for some ideas my commercial would most likely be much better. My transitions were a bit sloppy when I was switching from photo to photo. There were many transitions to choose from but I chose the most basic one. Maybe if I had chosen the more detailed transition it would have been a lot better. To be fair is was the very first commercial I made about myself lol.

Anything else you would like... Making this commercial was really fun! My advice would be to manage your time wisely and even look up some commercials on the internet to get some ideas for yours. Trust me it would come out so much better. Like I said earlier, trusting the process is one on the most important things. All it takes if a bit of editing and music to make the commercial look amazing! Use some fun music too! It will bring happy emotions to the viewers while they are watching! There was a little bit of stress in the beginning when iMovie wouldn't let me add music. It all turned out to be fine though!  


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