Group Blog: The Final Task
Hey there! I'm back! It's already time for a new project in class! The final task!!! I'm working in a group with three of my classmates Rowyn, Kylie, and Aidan. I chose to work with them because they are my friends. Aside from that, I know my group will get the task done to the best of our ability. We currently don't have any plans but they will most likely be made sometime this week. Choosing to work in a group rather than alone is the easiest way not to get stressed out. I know the people in my group will take this task seriously just like I will. Everyone will so their part and we will get it done efficiently and responsibly. The only thing we are going to have trouble with is coming up with ideas on what to film lol. Throughout the year we have all become better at editing, filming, and planning. I am so excited to begin our final task. I am determined make this the best video I have made so far. I know how to plan correctly and carry out my plans. I will need my groups help to make this happen but I know we can do it! Anyways blog I think that's enough for today! I'll keep updating you guys! Bye for now!
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