Music: Choosing the Audios
Hey blog! I'm back! It's time for the last day of editing! I'm so excited to get this film done, but honestly sad that this process is coming to an end. I had so much fun working on this film with my group! Even though some parts were a pain. Anyways, back to editing! Today we are choosing the music that will be in the background of the video! This is a very big decision. I reviewed many websites to see which one had the music that was a perfect fit. Royalty Free music is the best for us because we won't have to worry about copy write! Looking through the sounds was a bit overwhelming because there we so many to choose from! After a lot of debate, my group narrowed it down to 2 choices. Choosing between these two sounds was pretty easy. Simply because the first sound was a bit to fast for our film. It was also very loud and would make it hard to hear non-diegetic sounds. The second sound wasn't as loud and it fit our film perfectly. It gave our film the sense of suspense and that's exactly what we needed! After adding the audio and watching the film over again, it looks so much better! I knew what was going to happened and I was on my toes the entire time! The music really helped the film be as best as it can! Even though this process took a while it was worth it. We were able to find the perfect audio and I'm so proud of us! That's all for today! Hopefully by the next time we talk everything will be done! That's all for today! See ya soon!
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