
Creative Critical Reflection - Final Task

1.      How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? When starting the process of creating the final task, my group and I studied the opening sequences of actual movies in the same genre. This allowed us to get an idea of how we wanted to film, what kind of music to use, what types of editing was needed and so on. The main shots used in our film were POV, extreme-close ups, over the shoulder, and a few more. This was to make the viewers have the same thoughts and feelings as the characters in the film were having. The side characters in the film such as the mother, cops, news reporters, and the main character wore regular clothes such as a shirt and pants. The murder wore dark clothes and a black hoodie. Normally in horror movies there are plot twists that have the audience on the edge of their seat. Our film stuck to the plot and tried to keep it in line. This was to make sure it didn’t look all over the place...

Wake Up - Final Task

Hey blog! I'm so excited to share my final task with you all! I hope you enjoy!

Re-Edit Final Task

 Hey blog! I'm back one final time before you see the final product! Today we are re-editing the film due to the addition filming we did yesterday. The editing process definitely isn't my favorite part of making this film. At this point I think I would've quit if we weren't so close to the end. LOL! To start off, our original audio had a copyright strike! Obviously we cant use that! It is very sad because our original audio was perfect! The title said it was copyright free but that was a lie. The last thing we wanted was to get flagged for copyright and have out video taken down so we changed it. We added the new audio to the film and I cant lie, it actually fits perfectly. Another thing that we added to the film was a green screen for the news reporter scene. Learning how to use this tool through iMovie was probably the best thing ever! The scene looks so much better! I'm truly happy with how all the editing turned out! I'm so proud to say we are finally done w...

Re-Shoot Final Task

 Hey blog! I'm back with another update! After shooting the film and watching it over and over again, there were a few noticeable things that needed to be re-shot. The group discussed and we all agreed that some scenes could be better. Some of the main problems were towards the end of the film to we made sure to change those asap. While Rowyn was talking to the cops, you can tell she wanted to laugh. Let's be honest here, its really hard to keep a straight face when you aren't a professional. Rowyn pointed this part of the scene out to the group and we made a plan to meet up and fix it. We all met up at Rowyns house after school and started to film. Re-shooting this scene felt like an eternity because we all kept laughing. Eventually we had tried way too many times and decided to go with the best looking one. Is it perfect? No! But it's completely fine because we tried our best. I'm very happy we were able to reshoot this scene before it was too late because it was ...

Peer Review

 Hey blog! I'm back! My group is almost done with the final task! The only thing to do is get other peoples opinion on it! I asked my dad to watch over the film and give feedback. One of the first things he said was that he couldn't hear the background music very much. Thankfully this is something that wasn't to difficult to fix. The volume was raised to the point where you can hear it perfectly but it doesn't over power the sound effects. Another thing he mentioned was that the transitions were a bit messy. This was already something that the group was aware of. The problem was also fixed easily even though we had to trim the clips a little bit. Huge changes weren't necessary. Something I noticed on my own was that the quality of the shots were a bit different. In some clips they were clear and in others it was a bit blurry. It wasn't a noticeable difference, but after watching it 7+ times i started to notice the difference. There were many positives that the f...

Music: Choosing the Audios

 Hey blog! I'm back! It's time for the last day of editing! I'm so excited to get this film done, but honestly sad that this process is coming to an end. I had so much fun working on this film with my group! Even though some parts were a pain. Anyways, back to editing! Today we are choosing the music that will be in the background of the video! This is a very big decision. I reviewed many websites to see which one had the music that was a perfect fit. Royalty Free music is the best for us because we won't have to worry about copy write! Looking through the sounds was a bit overwhelming because there we so many to choose from! After a lot of debate, my group narrowed it down to 2 choices. Choosing between these two sounds was pretty easy. Simply because the first sound was a bit to fast for our film. It was also very loud and would make it hard to hear non-diegetic sounds. The second sound wasn't as loud and it fit our film perfectly. It gave our film the sense of su...

Editing: Sound Effects

 Hey blog! I'm back! Today I continued to edit our final task! Today was mainly focused on the sound effects of the film. So far we have completed the title and transitions. My group mate Kylie stepped up for the job of sound effects so I helped in areas they I knew. We wanted to find the scenes with suspense to figure out where different music will be placed. This way we can find sounds on YouTube or other websites to add on top of our footage. Being able to find the right music took a bit of time but eventually we found something. Actually adding the sound effects was a bit difficult. I had to time the video and the sound effect correctly to make it sound and look perfect. After watching the video over and over again everything finally worked out. It took a bit longer then is was supposed to. In the end it looked good so the time was worth it. Some of the videos had to be trimmed a bit to make sure the sound effects were able to fit in the film. Doing all this has helped my editi...